That was the word on Miss Henderson’s whiteboard as I came into PSHE that morning. I didn’t pay any attention to it as I sat down in my back row corner seat (my favorite because then I don’t have to talk to anybody) and I didn’t even realize I was in the lesson until fifteen minutes after I sat down Miss Henderson started to ask me questions.
“Hailey, what do you think the word on the board means? You haven’t even answered a question today!” Miss Henderson said calmly as if she knew what was about to happen. “47, Sir” I said back, clearly unaware that I wasn’t in maths. “I beg your pardon? First of all, it’s Miss not Sir, and second, we are not in maths! This is PSHE! This is also the third time you’ve not paid attention in my lessons this month so I’m afraid I’m going to have to send you the headmaster’s office,” she said as if it were normal to send students there. “Fine!” I shouted at her, anger pulsing through my veins. I picked up my bag angrily and walked out of the classroom, slamming the door behind me as I went. As I slammed the door, I walked out into the corridor and was amazed how quiet it was. You could hear my feet on the tiled floor quietly tapping, almost creating a beat you would play on a drum. Then something broke the silence. But it wasn’t shouting or swearing, but something sweet with a melody. Now would be a good time to say that I don’t partake in clubs. I’m not a very sociable person and don’t have any friends unless you can count the neighbor’s cat, Ophelia. I then realized what the sweet melody was. Singing. It also seemed quite close to me as I could hear it very well. Either that or this particular corridor is really echoey. I knew that I was supposed to be going to the headmaster’s office but he wasn’t expecting me. Miss Henderson had a class to teach and I had the whole school to myself (I knew I didn’t but it felt like it). I decided to find out where the melody was coming from. To be honest, I thought it would be a quest like you read in fiction novels where they travel through many lands (classrooms), make new friends (the ants that found their way in) and breathed fresh air (not happening). This quest ended after the first door I opened. To be honest, I should’ve made the assumption that I would find the singing quite quickly. My PSHE classroom was right next to the two music ones, but because I was so angry, I simply must’ve forgotten.
Carefully, so I didn’t interrupt whoever was singing, I opened the door and poked my head round it. Immediately, my eyed met with probably one of my favorite teachers of all time (or FTOAT for short), Miss Thomas. She, however, must have seen me because after a few seconds of me opening the door, the sweet melody stopped. “Hello, Hailey, how may I help you?” she said almost as sweetly as her song. “How did you know it was me?” I asked, sounding like my little brother when he lost a game of Monopoly. “Anyone could recognize you even if you were in the dark with that fiery head of hair you’ve got there!” I could see what she meant. Even I thought that my hair (which is orange-red) must’ve been dyed at birth by my mother as it was really quite bright. “Are you supposed to be somewhere, Hailey?” she asked politely. “Was that you singing, Miss?” I was trying to avoid the subject. “Yes, it was. Would you like a go?” That was the best thing I’d heard all day. “Okay.” I followed her to the stand where she was reading the words from, and she went through a few breathing exercises with me first before I sang. She said it would make you sound better when you sing. Then she started the music. I can’t really remember what song I was singing; I think it was classical. I don’t mean to toot my own horn or anything but... I was brilliant! The words started flowing out of me like paint and I sang them beautifully. In fact, I loved it so much I sang another and another until I had forgotten what on earth I had been angry about before. “You’re very good, Hailey! Why don’t you come along to Singing Club with me after school? There are about twenty other students who go, and they have brilliant fun!” she asked me. “Yes please! How will my mum know though? She’ll be at home worried sick if I don’t come back at my normal time?” I asked, concerned. I genuinely loved singing and I wouldn’t want to miss out on it because mum said so. “I’ll let you text her now if you like.” Miss Thompson answered. So I did. After texting her, the bell rang for lunch, so I forgot about the headmaster’s meeting and went out to eat with my friend, Violet. I told her about Singing Club and how good it was, and she seemed to like the sound of it too but she had Chess Club today so couldn’t go. After lunch, I had to stop myself from getting up and leaving the classroom because I was so excited. Until it rang.
I ran and ran to get to the class first and I was. Miss Thompson greeted me when I got there and said how nice it was for me to come. I smiled at her. Some more people came and then we started. We did a warmup and sang some songs before Miss Thompson said it was time to leave. I loved it.