Many young people are feeling the pressure of the cost of living crisis or are unable to live out of the family home. On the other side of the generational scale, there are hundreds of elderly people currently suffering with loneliness and isolation.
With this in mind, a new social enterprise has been launched aimed at improving the quality of life for many Leicestershire residents, young and old. The Homeshare International Network aims to pair up young people who are in need of a budget-friendly place to live, with older residents who have a spare room and are in need of company or assistance with tasks such as light housework and shopping. ‘I wanted to take part because I was very lonely,’ says Florence, 95. ‘I believe we all need companionship.’ Florence is partially sighted and lives in London. Through Homeshare she was paired with Alexandra, a 27 year old student who had never lived in London before. ‘In a way, (living alone) is quite frightening. You don’t know if you are going to fall. Is something going to happen to you?’ explains Florence. ‘Also, you are bored to tears!’ ‘On a practical level it has given me somewhere affordable to live where I feel safe,’ says Alexandra. ‘What I wasn’t expecting was to make a friend. When I introduce Florence to anyone I don’t call her my ‘homesharer’ I call her my friend.’ Florence was used to having a busy, full life taking care of her family, but after her husband died, and her children married and moved away, she started to feel lonely. ‘You don’t know what a difference it makes,’ says Florence. ‘Just hearing someone in the house, the key in lock at the end of the day, it’s just wonderful.’ In return for 10 hours a week of companionship and assistance, Homesharers can enjoy rent-free accommodation, while contributing to half of the household utility bills. Homesharers can help with housework, fetching shopping and other small tasks, however they do not provide any personal care. All tasks are agreed with the Homesharer and the Homeowner before they move in. For more information call Homeshare Leicestershire on 0116 5040044, email [email protected] or visit |