We can never be sure what’s waiting for us around the corner. It could be something great – a new job, baby or even a lottery win. Sometimes, however, life throws the unthinkable at us. Many of us know of someone who has died too young or is battling a serious illness. Anyone who has seen a family trying to deal with these events will know that the emotional – and financial – impact can, sadly, be devastating.
As part of my service as a Mortgage Adviser, I also have a duty of care to make sure you have considered any suitable insurance products (aka protection) that could look after you, your family and your finances, should life take an unplanned turn. I then advise and arrange this protection, taking care of the process and making it as simple as possible for you. Protection insurance can’t stop the unthinkable from happening, but it can make dealing with the consequences a lot easier. I believe WHOLEHEARTEDLY in the value it can bring. When we’re open to conversations about ‘what ifs’, we become truly empowered by the knowledge that, whilst we can’t change what could happen, we can change how prepared we are. There’s a reason why I’m so passionate about what I do. When I was 18, my world turned upside down. My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer and I was with her when the consultant delivered the terrifying news. My mum, a single parent with two teenage girls to look after, had a life-changing illness. There were endless intense treatments, lots of poorly days, a lot of tears, but on top of all of that (as if that’s not bad enough) we also had huge financial stress. Her earnings stopped, but the bills did not. With nothing saved up, it became a huge concern in only a matter of weeks. This is the last thing you need to be focusing on when you are suffering from something as awful as cancer. During her remission, one of the memorable moments in my early career as a mortgage adviser, was when I was learning about mortgage/personal protection. I’d never heard of it until then. Learning all about protection was just a part of the role, then I learnt about critical illness cover. My heart sank when I understood what this cover does and I was gutted that we hadn’t had anything like this in place when my mum had been diagnosed. It can pay out a lump sum of money if you are diagnosed with a critical illness (such as cancer, one of the top claims insurance companies get). A conversation with my mum about it revealed that she too had never heard of this type of cover, and she was really upset to think how different things could have been for us all if she had it in place. She asked what the cost per month would have been, when I told her, she said to me: ‘If you can put something like that in place for other people, then you will be doing something so worthwhile for them and their families’. So please know, when I discuss this with you, it comes from a place of love. From knowing the repercussions of having protection in place versus not having it. As a professional, offering a service, and as a person with personal experience who really does care. I’d love to chat to you about how I can help you, please head to my website: mindfulmortgages.co.uk to book a call or to buy a copy of my book – Protect your World. |