At this time of year, you may be thinking about spring cleaning your home – so how about giving your mind a spring clean too?
Here are 5 ways you can give your mind a clear out, helping you to feel less stressed, happier and more energised. 1. The brain dump A great way to de-clutter your head and reduce stress levels is to sit down with no distractions and write down everything that is on your mind. Anything and everything you can think of – including your concerns, frustrations, things that need to be done, things you want to achieve. It doesn’t need to be neat, or in any particular order. Once everything is out of your head, go back over what you have written and see if you can formulate a plan. What can you tick off the list? Can you delegate any of the tasks? How do you feel now that you can see everything on paper? 2. Be mindful of what you watch and listen to Everything you see and hear has an impact on how you feel. Look out for triggers and if something is affecting you, then look to resolve it. For example: do you feel stressed or anxious every time you watch the news? Try turning it off for a while and replace it with something that makes you feel good, such as listening to your favourite music, or a motivational podcast. 3. What are you saying to yourself? Our thoughts are powerful. The way we think affects the way we feel, which then produces behaviours that are aligned with those thoughts and feelings. Negative thoughts, feelings and behaviours are going to hold us back but, luckily, we get to choose the content of our mind. Take time to be mindful of the things you’re saying to yourself and write them down. Is there is a belief (or doubt) that is limiting you right now? For example: ‘I will never be able to…’. Try reversing that belief so that it has a positive intention such as: ‘I am able to…’. Then write down the new belief every single day for the next 30 days. 4. Prioritise yourself It can be hard to put yourself first when there is always so much to do. However, finding time for yourself means that you will function better and be able to show up with enough energy for everything you want to do. The key here is to ensure that your basic needs are met first – things like water, sleep, exercise, and nutrition. Are your basic needs being met? Have a think about what needs to happen so that you feel energised regularly. 5. How full is your stress bin? If you empty your rubbish bin regularly it’s easy to manage, isn’t it? Now imagine if you continued to pile more and more rubbish in it each day without emptying it, and eventually you cram so much in that it starts to overflow and creates one big mess. That’s exactly what happens to our minds. We can easily feel overloaded, stressed and fatigued. Prevention is better than cure. What steps can you take to avoid stress and prevent your bin from spilling over? Nicky is an award-winning business coach. To find out more head to: